Moving & Payroll

2015-03-09 by Eva Rosenberg

Multiple statesToday TaxMama® hears from various folks in the TaxQuips Forum and elsewhere with this common problem. “My client moved to a different state while working for the same company. His W-2 shows withholding for the former state, but none for the state he lived in. His employer won’t correct the W-2. What should we do?”


Dear Friends,

This problem is more common than you might expect. Let’s look at how this can be avoided for employees – and tax pros’ clients.

1) Understand this concept. It is not the employer’s fault or problem. The EMPLOYEES must review their paychecks when moving to a new location. You must be the one to take responsibility to ensure you have withholding for the correct state. If you do this from the very beginning, you won’t have a problem at the end of the year.

2) Tax professionals – when you work with a client who has moved before your tax appointment, ask to see a recent paystub and help ensure your clients are getting the correct state withholding.

3) Employees – file a change of address form with the IRS (Form 8822) and your former state, as well as the USPS. This will help ensure that you get all notices and checks to avoid potential problems and misunderstandings.

4) And to avoid identity theft, check your credit report regularly, starting about 2 months after you move to make sure the new people living at your old address are not accepting your terrific credit card offers and opening up new accounts.

And remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about moving issues and other tax and business issues, free. Where? Where else? At

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