TaxMama's Tax Quips 2016 Mileage

2016-03-21 by Eva Rosenberg

TaxMama® and Ken Jeffries interview:

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Ken: It’s TaxQuips Time from . Today TaxMama covers deductible mileage.
What kinds of mileage are deductible by individuals and businesses?

TaxMama: Actually, there are four ways to take advantage of vehicle-related deductions:

  1. Medical mileage

  2. Moving Mileage

  3. Job or business mileage

  4. Charitable mileage

Ken: What are the mileage rates for 2016?


  1. Medical mileage and Moving Mileage – 19 cents (down from 23 in 2015)

  2. Job or business mileage – 54 cents (down from 57.5 in 2015)

  3. Charitable mileage – it’s always 14 cents – it literally takes an Act of Congress to change it

Make sure you keep track of all your miles for the year – not just the deductible miles. Keep good records.

Ken: There’s a lot more to learn about vehicle deductions and mileage. We’ll talk about that in future TaxQuips.

Ken: Meanwhile remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about mileage and other tax issues, free.
Where? Where else? At

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